Friday, March 12, 2010

2009 List of Challenges

2009 List of Challenges

2009 was a bad year for me in regards to reading and challenges. I had 2 major reading slumps (talking months here) and only completed one challenge for the year. Instead of listing all the challenges that I signed up for like a did in the 2008 List of Challenges post, I am just going to list the one challenge that I completed.

I only read 62 books for the year...I believe this is how many I read. When I started coming out of my slump in September, I didn't track all the books I started reading...but later in the year I tried to go back and compile my list...I think I got them all.

Here is the one challenge I completed:
  1. Romance Reading Challenge - Completed 12/31/10
I know that 2010 has got to be a better year!!!